Around Christmas 2015

When my computer crashed for me just after Christmas, many pictures got stuck in the system for a whole, until I could recover them and move on. Therefore, I am now publishing some pictures before, during and after last Christmas.

Eric had saved money all year in his money jar for Christmas. Already the year before he went to buy Christmas gifts for some of his friends and class mates with his savings and he showed it off very proudly.

Equally proud is Jennifer of her dress, shoes and handbag that she is wearing to John’s and Ann’s party. I just had to take a couple of photos.

In England the Christmas gifts are given and opened on Christmas Day and in Sweden on Christmas Eve. The Philippines have found the right balance between the two. They have a tradition of opening the gifts after coming home from Christmas Mass. We followed the same tradition and opened a few gifts on the night after the Mass, while we saved some until Christmas Day, when Magnus and Claudia joined us. Ludvig and Ulrika could only come away a couple of days later, when they came down to Devon.

Both Mikee, Eric and Jennifer got computers, while I got a new ultra wide lens (11 – 24 mm) and Riza a new guitar.

Close to New year all of us went to London and watched Matilda, the musical and celebrated New Year at the Rectory of the Swedish Church with Michael, Camilla, their children Caspar and Amanda and boy- and girlfriends and lots of other friends. It was a lovely occasion And during the night we watched “Grevinnan och Betjänten” a very funny comedy that every middle-aged Swede will remember with great fondness.

  • Christmas & New Year
  • 002-151207-KM-008JE
  • The shoes made her taller than I
  • 004-151225-KM-001JE
  • Eric is just trying out his computer
  • And showing his gift to Riza …
  • …and Mama
  • Enjoying the Christmas gifts
  • We couldn’t get the children to bed due to the computers
  • 010-151225-KM-019JE
  • And behold – hadn’t he delivered something!
  • 012-151225-KM-032JE
  • Caleb came and joined us ….
  • …together with the rest of his family, here with father Lewis
  • 015-151225-KM-038JE
  • Mikee trying her new roller skates
  • Mikee trying her new roller skates
  • Mikee trying her new roller skates
  • Riza got a guitar
  • 020-151229-KM-053JE
  • 021-151231-New Year’s Eve-003JE
  • Mikee and Eric
  • Riza with the hostess
  • Jen, Eric and Mikee
  • 025-160101-New Year’s Eve-012JE-Edit

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